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EAS Steps Forward: Mechanics of Robotic Matter - Chiara Daraio
From January to August , she joined the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, as the Chair of Mechanics and Materials. In. Chiara Daraio is an Italian-American materials scientist and acoustical engineer. She is the G. Bradford Jones Professor of Mechanical Engineering and. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, (): Chiara Daraio | phone: | email: [email protected]
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We employ different actuation methods, including vacuum pressure and Joule heating, to control the response of the surfaces. Contents move to sidebar hide. She joined the California Institute of Technology Caltech faculty in , and has remained there since with a leave from to , to take a chair of Mechanics and Materials at ETH Zurich. Bio: Chiara Daraio is the G. For example, her research group developed new materials and methods for acoustic imaging and thermal sensing in medicine and health monitoring.