Api for tracking crypto

api for tracking crypto

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Discover and try out the most popular cryptocurrency APIs, including free and public APIs: 1. Binance, 2. CoinGecko, 3. Pancakeswap, 4. 9+ APIs For Real-Time Cryptocurrency Data � Binance API � WazirX � CoinGecko � CoinMarketCap � Coinlayer � CoinAPI � Nomics API � CoinCap. As one of the most well-known resources in the crypto space, CoinMarketCap is a top data aggregator when it comes to tracking crypto markets.
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Furthermore, CEX. The exchange tool can be embedded into the interface simply and natively through REST technology. Others are more limited and function mostly as a crypto currency wallet, though that is slightly rarer. Historical Data is one of the single most important features for a market exchange API.